Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) has launched a year-long public engagement exercise for the Long-Term Plan Review (LTPR), as part of efforts to involve Singaporeans in the review of its long-term land use needs and strategies. The LTPR is the Singapore government’s latest review of Singapore’s long-term land use plans, which guide development over the next 50 years and beyond. A review is conducted every 10 years.
Planning long-term has been fundamental in Singapore’s transformation into a highly liveable city-state today, allowing it to balance social, environmental and economic considerations, and judiciously steward its limited land to guide sustainable development and meet the needs of current and future generations of Singaporeans.
Singapore faces very different circumstances currently, where land demands and pressures have become more complex in an increasingly volatile, uncertain and fast-evolving environment. It is considering development, redevelopment and rejuvenation within the confines of its small city-state, and plans to make even better use of its land, as it is already highly built-up. In addition, trends such as socio-demographic changes, economic and technological disruptions, the threat of climate change, and the COVID-19 pandemic, may significantly impact the way the country plans for its future city.
To this end, in the LTPR 2021, URA and relevant agencies are focusing on strengthening the resilience, flexibility and inclusiveness of its long-term plans and strategies. This involves working with the public, and stakeholders from various fields and expertise, to study various trends and developments that could unfold in the future, and their corresponding implications on land use. URA and agencies will develop long-term land use plans and strategies to cater to different future possibilities.
In the LTPR public engagement exercise, URA and relevant agencies will be reaching out to various segments of the population – residents, businesses, professional community and academia – through a wide variety of platforms, to gather their ideas, views and insights, and discuss issues relating to its living environment. The exercise will run from July 2021 to June 2022.
(Source: URA)
Review of Singapore’s Long-Term Land Use Needs